Agenders and Minutes of Chelmorton Parish Council

The document library below contains minutes and agendas published since 2017.

How to Use the Document Library

Using the Library

Each document uploaded has certain additional information attached to it including its title, date of creation and any notes about the document.

To view a document in your browser, click the ‘View’ button. To download a document on a computer, you can right click on the View button and select ‘Save link as’ (PC) or ‘Save Linked File As’ (Mac). To download the document on a phone, simply click the ‘View’ button.

To view additional information about the document, add notes or comments, click on the document name (1st column in red).

Documents can be commented on by logged in users. Comments can be viewed and edited by clicking the document title (1st column in red).

What can be uploaded?

The library will accept most file types including pdf, docx, xlsx and jpg.

If you require more assistance please email

Document Table Fields

Title: refers to the purpose of the document for example 'minutes'.​ Adding a date is not required as the subsequent date field can be used.

Date: Refers to the date of the document, not the date that it was uploaded/updated. That date will be automatically populated to the 'Last Modified' field.

Author: The author of the document, not necessarily the person who uploads the document.

Last Modified Date: The date either of the document upload or of changes to its notes.

Downloads: The number of times the document has been downloaded.

Comments: The number of comments posted about the document. Click the word 'Comment' to view or add to these.

View: View the document in your browser. Note: to download a document on a computer, right click on the 'View' button and select 'Save link as'. On a phone, clicking the 'View' button will automatically download the document.

If you require more assistance please email